Secure your HOP'EN 2 objectives

Apply now for the HOP'EN 2 funding program. Lifen supports healthcare facilities with a simple, modular solution for managing the dispatch of your documents.
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Documents sent each month via the MSSanté channel
rate of document integration into the DMP  

What is a

HOP'EN 2 ?

The HOPEN2 program is a ministerial initiative aimed at accelerating the digital transformation of healthcare facilities in France.

Following on from the HOP'EN and SUN-ES programs, HOP'EN 2 focuses on the development of digital uses to improve patient care, simplify the lives of caregivers and streamline exchanges between town and hospital. Funding for this program amounts to 150 million euros for phase 1.

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The first phase of the program is divided into 8 objectives, and targets the exchange and sharing of healthcare data for facilities:

- Sharing of key hospital healthcare documents to My Health Space: discharge documents, operative reports, consultation reports, imaging and medical biology reports;

- Use of secure health messaging with professionals to share documents, and with patients via the My Health Space messaging system.

- Identitovigilance, by increasing the rate of qualification of patients' INS, essential for preparing wave 2 updates of the Ségur digital system, aimed at facilitating access and consultation of patients' DMPs by healthcare professionals.

In parallel with the implementation of this first program, the following phases of the program will get underway this autumn, in collaboration with all the players in the ecosystem.

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HOP'EN 2 application

Which facilities are eligible?

All applications meeting the identity vigilance pre-requisites are accepted, whether or not the facilities have been funded by SUN-ES.

The prerequisites and timetable for achieving the targets have been adapted to ensure that facilities unable to participate in previous programs are involved in this collective dynamic.

Application timetable - Phase 1

Healthcare facilities are invited to apply for funding and support to help them achieve their objectives and improve care practices and quality.

  • Application start date: July 25, 2024
  • Application deadline: October 4, 2024

How to apply?

  1. Prepare your application by consulting the indicator and prerequisite guides.
  2. Submit your application via the national Démarches Simplifiées platform.
Find out more about the HOP'EN 2 program
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