Lifen Integration - Third-party Apps Module

Integrate reports from e-health applications into your EHR

Take advantage of the connection between Lifen Integration and your HIS to automatically integrate medical reports from third-party apps and benefit from the latest e-health innovations.
They trust us ...
... to integrate reports generated by their e-health applications into the EHR
Wound care and healing
Pixacare publishes a skin pathology monitoring platform. With its remote monitoring module providing a link between the city and the hospital, Pixacare tackles the problem of monitoring chronic wounds and their automated documentation using artificial intelligence. Thanks to Lifen, patient records are filled in automatically, and the documents generated are automatically pushed into the EHR.
Wound care and healing
Pixacare publishes a skin pathology monitoring platform. With its remote monitoring module providing a link between the city and the hospital, Pixacare tackles the problem of monitoring chronic wounds and their automated documentation using artificial intelligence. Thanks to Lifen, patient records are filled in automatically, and the documents generated are automatically pushed into the EHR.
Remote monitoring of cancer patients
Resilience is a mobile application designed to improve the quality of life of patients affected by cancer, by providing them with reliable content developed by over 30 specialists, aimed at better understanding the symptoms and concerns they encounter, and relieving them through supportive care strategies. Thanks to Lifen, patient records are automatically completed and documents automatically pushed into the EHR.
Coordination and remote monitoring in oncology
Continuum+ offers a SaaS-mode "hospital-city-home" coordination and remote monitoring platform for oncology, enabling health data to be collected on the move (IOS, Android). Thanks to Lifen, patient records are automatically completed and generated documents are automatically pushed into the EHR.
Cardiac device
With CareLink SmartSync™, Medtronic enables healthcare professionals to easily interrogate and program Medtronic cardiac devices implanted in patients. With this device, nurses and doctors can create medical reports. Thanks to Lifen, the patient identity entered by the healthcare professional is compared with those in the patient database and then integrated into the correct patient record in the EHR.
Remote expertise
Omnidoc offers a tele-expertise platform that enables healthcare professionals to exchange medical opinions with their correspondents and within the framework of territorial organizations. Thanks to Lifen, patient records are automatically completed and the generated documents automatically pushed into the EHR.
Medication reconciliation and prescribing and diagnostic support tool
Posos enables doctors to ask questions about drugs, on their computer or smartphone, just as they would with a colleague. Thanks to Lifen, patient records are automatically completed and generated documents automatically pushed into the EHR.
MicroPort CRM
Telemonitoring in cardiology
A pioneer in the development of solutions for the treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders, MicroPort®CRM designs, produces and markets worldwide a whole range of products to help doctors diagnose, treat and manage cardiac pathologies. Thanks to Lifen, patient records are automatically completed and generated documents automatically pushed into the EHR.
Remote monitoring system for heart failure patients
Abbott's "Merlin" solution is a remote monitoring system for heart failure patients, remotely monitoring implantable devices such as defibrillators and pacemakers. It transmits vital data designed to detect early signs of worsening and prevent complications. Thanks to Lifen, they can also integrate patient administrative information into their system, optimizing follow-up and management.
Interoperate your e-health applications in just
a few days

Reduced deployment times

Integrate your first e-health application in 1 month, compared with 4 to 5 months for self-managed interoperability projects, and in just a few days for subsequent integrations.

Reduced workload

Lifen manages your interoperability project from start to finish. Once the connectors have been deployed, they can be reused for any new e-health application.




Completing patient information

Complete patient information in e-health applications in just two clicks, thanks to a connection with your facility's patient database.

Integration of reports

Drag in medical reports generated by your e-health app into the EHR without any manual intervention

Reap the benefits of hospital e-health applications by overcoming these 4 challenges
The deployment of e-health applications is now a must, but it also faces major challenges for healthcare facilities.

Simplify the work of

healthcare practitioners

Time saving

Healthcare practitioners et to fill in patient data more quickly, allowing for easier inclusion and follow-up in telemonitoring programs.

Information accessibility

All documents generated by e-health applications are properly integrated into the EHR to guarantee access to all medical information for the care staff.

A single license

for all

your e-health applications

Fixed monthly rate

Benefit from a fixed monthly fee capped according to the number of applications deployed, for controlled costs and long-term budget visibility.

No additional interoperability fees

When the third-party app module is deployed, no interoperability fees are charged for the deployment of new applications.

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