The website is published by LIFEN (hereinafter "the Publisher"). A simplified joint stock company with capital of 2,217,835.91 euros.
Head office: Lifen, 43 - 45 rue deSaint-Pétersbourg - 75008 Paris.
RCS PARIS: 809 854 060.
Publication manager: Pauline Fumeron
The health data and servers are hosted by:Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL (hereinafter referred to as the "Host")Société à responsabilité limitée registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B186284, whose registered office is located at 38, avenue John F. Kennedy, L - 1885 Luxembourg, and whose storage space is located in Paris. Kennedy, L - 1885 Luxembourg, whose storage facilities are located in Paris.Hosting of personal health dataPersonal health data collected and processed as part of the use of the Lifen platform will be hosted by an HDS-certified host, in accordance with the provisions of article L.1111-8 of the French Public Health Code.