Lifen Datalab
LUCC Lung cancer cohort
Launched in December 2023, in partnership with Gustave Roussy, the LUCC Lung Cancer cohort is open to any type of institution and includes patients at any stage of the disease (metastatic and non-metastatic cancer).

Project background & objectives

Lung cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in the world (3rd in France), with more than 2.2 million new cases diagnosed in 2020. The aim of this observational study is to set up a multicenter cohort providing a complete characterization of lung cancer patients.

This cohort is based on a standardized data model applicable to all types of cancer or oncology specialties (surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, pathology, radiology, etc.) to facilitate the exploitation of these data for clinical and research purposes. The cohort should provide a better understanding of disease progression and accelerate therapeutic innovation for lung cancer patients.

Patients included
Participating centers

The patient's voice

The Patients en Réseau association brings together patients and relatives affected by cancer, and was created on the basis of their experiences. Meet the Patients en Réseau association
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Participating centers

Inclusion criteria & study variables

The LUCC Lung Cancer cohort is open to all types of institutions and includes patients at all stages of the disease (metastatic and non-metastatic).

To be eligible for inclusion in the study, patients must meet the following criteria:

  • Histologically proven cancerous lung lesions;
  • Have received medical, surgical or other treatment for lung cancer at one of the study sites;
  • Have not objected to the collection, storage and processing of their personal health data.

In order to provide the most exhaustive view possible of lung cancer patients, the cohort is made up of numerous variables covering the following areas:

  • Genre,
  • Date of birth,
  • vital status,
  • Cause of death etc...
  • cannabis consumption,
  • vital status
    • metastatic sites,
    • MUTATIONS etc...
    • drugs used,

    Scientific Committee

    Dr Mihaela Aldea

    A medical oncologist specializing in the management of thoracic cancers, Dr Mihaela Aldea has been practicing at Gustave Roussy since November 2, 2017.

    Prof. Benhamin Besse

    A medical oncologist specializing in the management of thoracic cancers, Pr Benjamin Besse has been Director of Clinical Research at Gustave Roussy since September 2, 2021.

    Franck Le Ouay

    Trained as an engineer, Franck Le Ouay is behind a number of successes in the tech world. In 2004, he co-founded Criteo, now one of Europe's most successful adtech start-ups. In 2015, he went on to co-found Lifen.

    Dr Mihaela Aldea

    A medical oncologist specializing in the management of thoracic cancers, Dr Mihaela Aldea has been practicing at Gustave Roussy since November 2, 2017.

    Prof. Benhamin Besse

    A medical oncologist specializing in the management of thoracic cancers, Pr Benjamin Besse has been Director of Clinical Research at Gustave Roussy since September 2, 2021.

    Franck Le Ouay

    Trained as an engineer, Franck Le Ouay is behind a number of successes in the tech world. In 2004, he co-founded Criteo, now one of Europe's most successful adtech start-ups. In 2015, he went on to co-found Lifen.

    Key dates

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    Posters & Publications

    An AI-derived Tool to Pre-screen Lung Cancer Candidates for Clinical Trials

    September 16, 2024

    Using AI to automatically process data from unstructured health records of patients with lung cancer

    April 9, 2024

    An AI-derived Tool to Pre-screen Lung Cancer Candidates for Clinical Trials

    September 16, 2024

    Using AI to automatically process data from unstructured health records of patients with lung cancer

    April 9, 2024

    Research projects

    Here you will find all the study projects using the cohort. These projects comply with the regulatory framework and have been approved in advance by the cohort's scientific committee:


    Why take part in the project?

    Some of your medical and administrative data is collected when you are treated in a healthcare facility. This data is useful for the advancement of research.

    This research, conducted in the public interest, aims to develop knowledge in order to develop new treatments or improve the overall management of patients suffering from the same disease as you. If you agree to your data being used for this study, you will not have to make any additional visits or undergo any additional examinations.

    Only information already in your medical file will be collected. No directly identifying data (surname, first name or contact details) will be included in the cohorts.  

    If you wish to object to the processing of your data, you may exercise your rights by informing :

    • your hospital doctor treating you for lung cancer follow-up or ;
    • Lifen's Data Protection Officer at the following address: ;
    • or by completing the opposition form.

    Would you like to find out more?
    Fill in your details, and our teams will get back to you as soon as possible.
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